Weekly Reflect // #26

Hello everyone!

Stick the kettle on, grab the biscuits & get yourself comfy, it's that time of the week again! 

Time to reflect on and chat about the week gone by . . .

This week:

  • . . . well, let's get the tedious health stuff out of the way first shall we? Basically, I'm still feeling as bad as ever but the doctors still haven't been able to put their finger on what's wrong. I got my specialised blood test results back on Monday and thank goodness they came back clear as they were testing for some horrid things! I have another appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed the doctor can figure it out!

    • . . . it really started to look like Spring! On Wednesday I went for a wee walk around my garden and although I was in a fair bit of pain and utterly exhausted afterwards (whatever this sickness is may go away soon), it was worth it for the beautiful photos I got - see just one of them above!

    • . . . I read this hilarious article about why Northern Ireland is weird but wonderful. Fellow Norn Iron-ers will be able to relate and anyone else will surely be able to laugh at us for our weird wee quirks!

    • . . . I got seriously blog organised and managed to write all of the coming weeks posts! I've never done that before and to be quite honest, I have no idea how it happened. Make sure you're following on Bloglovin' or GFC so you can get them in your feed!


    So that was my week! 
    How was yours?

    Thanks for reading,
