New Year's Blogging Resolutions!

Hello everyone!

As the year is closing in and we all gather round to welcome in 2015, a lot of us have resolutions on our minds. Now if you're anything like me, you'll make the same ones every year, go in with the best intentions but give them up mid-January. 

This time around, I have a bunch of resolutions of the blogging kind and am determined to stick to them!

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Here goes!

Before I started blogging, I never really had any interest in taking photos but recently it's become a big thing for me to try and make them the best they can be. I'd really like to improve my photos and make them more creative, whether that be on this blog, my Instagram or wherever. I'm also hoping to save up and invest in a DSLR!

I want to keep my creativity up and post 2-4 times a week. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, with Sundays being Weekly Reflect posts. I'd really love your input on this - how often do you think is best?

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Y'know, I never really do favourites posts but I'd like to. I'm going to aim to do them every month alongside a video, which leads me onto my next resolution . . .

The big one! I finally bit the bullet and started my channel at the start of December and I want 2015 to be the year I really start and stick to it. As I said, I'm gonna ease myself in my doing a favourites video each month but you never know, you might see the odd tag or get ready with me on there so I'd be very grateful if you subscribed!

Despite starting this blog as a fashion one and having a huge love for all things fashion, I've noticed Thrift O'Clock has taken a definite turn in the beauty direction. I'm hoping to bring out the thrift hauls and outfit posts in full force in the new year. I've loved seeing other bloggers 'year in outfits' posts so fingers crossed I can do that at the end of 2015!

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One thing I feel like I miss out on with regards to blogging is actually meeting up with bloggers! I'm very lucky to have got to know quite a few on Twitter but I hope in 2015, especially once I've left school I'll go to events to meet up with some offline! I actually set up an account on Twitter for Northern Irish bloggers to connect & network this month and I'm determined to get some meet ups organised for us #nibloggers!

Recently I've made a conscious effort to comment more on other blogs. I think it's important to give credit where it's due, especially when people work really hard on a post. I'm gonna try and share a lot of other blogger's posts on Twitter too if I really like them!

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Okay, I have to admit I watched a lot of Vlogtober & Vlogmas videos and read a lot of their blog counterparts this year and couldn't help but wish I'd organised myself earlier to be able to do them! Fingers crossed for 2015!

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Thank you so much for all your support in 2014, I hope you'll come join me in 2015 and see these resolutions be carried out!

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

Thanks for reading,


P.S. I took these photos of the snow around my garden the other day!
